Tutor Profile - Quinn M.

Lives in Salt Lake City , UT (can travel up to 20 miles)

Tutors Online via Zoom

Bio: Quinn is a graduate of The University of Texas at San Antonio, with degrees in Computer Science and Mathematics. Although born in Arizona, Quinn has spent most of his life in San Antonio, the heart of Texas. Recently moving to be nearer to his fiancé and the great Utah mountains, Quinn has a passion for outdoor activities like hiking, rock climbing, biking, and walking his weirdly active cat, Charles. Always seeking to learn more, Quinn’s love of the outdoors comes only second to his love for learning. With hobbies that include reading, discussing philosophy in book clubs, studying board games, and working on his coding projects, he always finds something fascinating to explore. Above all, Quinn loves trying to make the world better, and right now, this means helping students learn to love learning and reach their potential.

Subjects: Algorithms, Data Structures, C, C++, Python, Java, HTML and CSS

Experience at High Performance Tutoring: Quinn is new to High Performance Tutoring but has lots of prior tutoring experience. Quinn was hired because he demonstrated a high level of subject expertise, is great at explaining things clearly, and has a delightful personality.


The green shade represents times in which Quinn is available. The pink shade represents times in which Quinn is on vacation. So any times shaded in green that are not overlapped by a vacation are times that Quinn is available to meet with you. Call us today at (801) 508 - 4080 or fill out our Registration Form at the top of this page to book your first session Risk-Free!

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