Tutor Profile - Josh C.

Lives in Provo , UT (can travel up to 5 miles)

Tutors Online via Zoom

Bio: "I am currently working towards my bachelor's degree in Biostatistics at Brigham Young University. I have tutored friends and neighbors since the beginning of high school and have worked as a TA in the statistics department at Brigham Young University. I love teaching and tutoring! When the light goes on and everything falls into place its so enjoyable for both the student and the tutor.

Subjects: AP Statistics, Applied Statistics, Basic Statistics, Business Statistics I, Business Statistics II, Intro to Inferential Statistics, Intro to Statistics, Statistical Inference I, Statistical Inference II, Intro to Probability, Advanced Probability

Experience at High Performance Tutoring: Josh has worked at High Performance Tutoring for 1 year and 1 month and has helped 7 of our students learn effectively, build academic confidence, improve grades, and raise test scores. Josh is highly knowledgeable, great at teaching, has a wonderful personality, and has proven over time to be very reliable.


The green shade represents times in which Josh is available. The pink shade represents times in which Josh is on vacation. So any times shaded in green that are not overlapped by a vacation are times that Josh is available to meet with you. Call us today at (801) 508 - 4080 or fill out our Registration Form at the top of this page to book your first session Risk-Free!

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